“The latest development in the filler market.”
“Something new, and something unique.”
“Precise, safe and effective.”
Experts who have already been introduced to ARtery 3D and our technologies are optimistic and positive about the possibilities of our easy-to-use smartphone application for filler treatments. So is Arthur Ludlage, one of the most experienced cosmetic doctors in the Netherlands. He recently wrote a blog about the benefits of implementing the ARtery 3D technologies into your clinics, and we are thrilled about his positive words and his interesting view on the future of fillers. Find out what he has to say about our company and the use of our application… Read on!
About Dr. Ludlage and his clinic

We are glad to notice that more and more doctors are discovering the possibilities of Augmented Reality in combination with cosmetic procedures. Since we choose for innovation and new technologies with ARtery 3D, we realize that it will take some time for everyone to get to know us and grasp the possibilities of our application. It is a real pleasure that a distinguished doctor like Dr. Ludlage sees the benefits of innovation and wants to share them with you in his blog.
Dr. Ludlage has more than 20 years of experience as a cosmetic doctor, making him a leading-edge doctor in the Netherlands. That also means he certainly knows what he’s talking about, and he’s making an impact in the field of aesthetics and cosmetics in the Netherlands and beyond.
Having worked as a company doctor, as well as being the director of an injectables clinic and treating clients with injectables for many years, Arthur Ludlage is clearly very experienced in the field of cosmetics. In addition, since 2005 he is Key Opinion Leader and international trainer for Galderma with top brands when it comes to restoring, improving and refreshing the skin. In early 2018, Arthur Ludlage opened the doors of his own successful clinic in Haarlem.
As a cosmetic doctor, he focuses on his long-life passion: injectables. He is known to be a perfectionist who performs his treatments with great precision. One of the reasons to consider Dr. Ludlage as a top-notch cosmetic expert is because he finds it extremely important that the result of the treatment always remains natural. According to him, a client’s appearance should be refreshed, without any traces of injectables being visible. Something we, at ARtery 3D, fully agree with.
What the Arthur Ludlage cosmetic clinic stands for? Precision and honest advice: after a treatment you should look like ‘a better version of yourself’, where your own unique appearance is preserved.
To keep fully up-to-date with the latest developments, the Ludlage team visits different kinds of international conferences annually. That’s exactly the point of view for ARtery 3D. Keep updated, stay innovative and get to know as much about your field of expertise as possible. That way, you get to know the demands and the wishes of your patients, and how to satisfy them in the most effective way. Now let’s find out what Dr. Ludlage finds of our application and our way of working.
The benefits of ARtery 3D according to Dr. Arthur Ludlage
First of all, let’s shortly explain how the ARtery 3D application works. By using the latest AR technology, we are able to offer all cosmetic experts this cutting-edge technology to literally ‘see right through anyone’s skin’. Up to this day, doctors can never know the exact location of every facial artery – which is completely normal, since every patient’s arterial anatomy is 100% unique. Thanks to our smartphone application, doctors can now visualize the exact location of every patient’s arteries – through AR.
Since Dr. Ludlage found out about ARtery 3D, he was convinced of the benefits of the product. In his latest blog, he writes about this ‘new technique that maps the anatomy, the structure of the arteries, of the face’. It’s clear that experts in the field of cosmetics and aesthetics are looking for something new to perfect all filler treatments. After all, every face is different. So an application that shows you the exact structure of the unique arteries under your skin is wanted. These structures are neither visible nor easy to detect because they lie deeper under the skin. Augmented Anatomy uses Augmented Reality to make these structures visible.
“This technology allows doctors, when treating a client, to visualize the anatomy through a previously taken scan. This allows them to know exactly where to inject and where not to inject in order for the treatment to be safe and effective.” -blogpost Arthur Ludlage cosmetic clinic
If you are interested in Augmented Anatomy of your face, you can now indicate this to Dr. Arthur Ludlage. Since he implemented the ARtery 3D technology into his clinic, patients can benefit from the precise application. After in-depth consultation with his patient, he refers you to the MRI Center in Amsterdam. Here an MRI scan will be made of your face, in which the anatomy of your face will be mapped. Then the doctor can then see where arteries run in real time during your next visit based on this data, which can be viewed in the ARtery 3D app on your phone. Easy like that, the unique structure of your arteries is orderly mapped.
Conclusion: ARtery 3D holds an important place in the future of fillers
“You only have to take an MRI scan once, but then you have a lifetime of enjoyment from it. And when it comes to safety, that’s well worth the consideration.” – Dr. Arthur Ludlage
The cutting-edge technology of ARtery 3D is not only a convenient tool to use when performing filler injections. It’s also a way to improve all filler procedures on a high-quality level. Dr. Arthur Ludlage is clearly convinced of the benefits and possibilities of ARtery 3D. How about you? Are you ready for the future of fillers?
Discover more about ARtery3D now!