Augmented Anatomy Annotation Tool

How to optimize your clinic growth

What are your main goals when you own a cosmetic clinic? To optimize your growth and to satisfy your customers are definitely two things to tick off on your list. We’ll let you in on a little secret: the best way to make your clinic not just a good one, but a GREAT one, is to invest in your patient satisfaction. After all, they are the biggest factor in whether you make it or not. A good reputation is everything… And that’s exactly what we want for you and your clinic.

What is your main goal?

Of course, it’s easy to state that you and your team aim for clinic growth. But what do you truly mean by that? Of course, we’re not just talking about getting a bigger customer base. Every true cosmetic expert who owns his own clinic, knows that it’s about a lot more than that.

If you want to up your game and become a pioneer in the aesthetic field, you should definitely read along. Because we are about to explain to all of you how you can build up long-term relationships with your clients, not only by promoting your flawless techniques, but by taking it a few steps further.

First things first: get your technology up to date.

Anti-Aging Treatment. Doctor with surgical gloves marking senior women’s face for hyaluronic injection treatment

What do we mean by that? Of course, going digital is of great importance these days. Not just when it comes to your day-to-day-running and patient records. Today, your competitors are going much further than that.

Using technology to perform filler injections is the way to go, these days. Apps, such as our product ARtery3D, can help you with that for sure.

This is how it works: our user-friendly app allows cosmetic experts to visualize the unique facial arteries of every patient through AR technology. Where previously, aesthetic doctors had to ‘guess’ where all the veins in the face were exactly located, they now can follow a precise and unique map of the face of each individual patient.

Not only does this technique improve each injection, it also leaves patients with less pain during the treatment and less bruising after the procedure (*).

This means that cosmetic doctors can perform filler injections with more accuracy AND automatically also more quality. It simply makes the procedure safer, and the results more accurate and exactly according to the patient’s wishes.

* Clinical study in progress by Prof. Benoit Hendrickx in Knokke (2021)

Wouldn’t you want the best service?

Try to imagine: if you were a patient that enters a cosmetic clinic for the first time, what would matter the most? That’s exactly why we try to increase convenience, make the experience accessible, and demonstrate that our technology is safe and of high quality. We really try to get into the heads of our patients and act by this point of view. Knowledge of the – highly variable – individual arterial is invaluable when injecting fillers.

By putting patients at ease right from the start and communicating transparently, you create a safe and trustworthy environment. Don’t forget that it’s a big deal to get a facial treatment. It’s only normal that patients want a guarantee that they are in good hands.

We put a lot of effort in the following-up of our patients. We want them to feel valuable and make sure that they are satisfied throughout the entire journey. Therefore, we create an individual digital patient record to track and show both changes and evolutions to every patient. It shows that we care, and we take our time to look for the best possible results and quality treatment.

Patient satisfaction: the ultimate purpose.

What you should realize once you’re considering treatment, is the following. Once you get filler injections, the chance is highly realistic that you will have to – or simply want to – repeat this procedure someday. Logically, your goal is to send your patients home with a good feeling.

Thanks to new technology like ARtery3D, patients get a much better client experience from start to finish. For the next appointment, they will naturally look back on the positive experience of their last treatment.

If you take a close look on all of the above: you’ll see why Artery3D is a high quality and vibrant company. We work hard to be aligned with our customer needs and we will continue to defend our place in the field. Because we realize that such efforts contribute to a more positive image for filler treatments and cosmetic procedures in general worldwide.

Conclusion: clinic growth is all about insight.

We’ve been in the professional field of filler injections and aesthetic treatment for quite a long time now, and it always comes down to the same thing. Get to know your patients, act by their wishes, and make sure that your approach is safe, qualitative and result-oriented. Those are the secret ingredients to patient loyalty and clinic growth.

It all starts with great technology, and developers that keep an eye on the future. That way, you won’t risk to get behind any time soon. It shows that you know what you’re up to, and that you monitor the weaknesses of contemporary treatments. We stand behind the Artery3D app and the way it optimalises the application of filler injections.

By following the mindset of patients, and trying to put yourself in their position, you will be able to provide much better service.  This ultimately leads to higher patient satisfaction and thus, loyalty. Other than that, if you can provide a treatment that is less painful and leaves your patients with less bruising, you’re in a winning position for sure! Are you ready to find out?

Discover everything about our approach now!

There are already a few pioneers out there who insist on investing in better client experiences and long and healthy relationships with their patients. These smart experts are using our technology to do that!

How about you? Are you ready to take the next step?


Contact us and try it free for 14 days


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