MAIS will be the first ever comprehensive assembly of injectable products, tools, and services in the aesthetic industry ecosystem
Marc Mespreuve, Co-founded of Augmented Anatomy, will be in charge of taking part in the sessions

Our innovative application, which provides better insight to surgeons and patients when starting treatments and operations, in just a few seconds detects and visualizes the facial arteries of any person.
ARtery 3D is not a controversial topic. It’s a reality. Because it’s already possible to transform the safety and precision of aesthetic and medical procedure’s possible with ARtery 3D. Our augmented reality technology displays the patient’s facial arteries on the smartphone of the doctor, reducing risks and optimizing results. Thanks to our app, a professional of aesthetic medicine can enhance his treatments, increase safety, boost patient loyalty, and stand out using a unique application in the world.

Our presence in Marbella or in another similar international events confirms the upward trajectory of ARtery 3D, an application increasingly used by surgeons around the world. Some of the clinics in which patients are already previously treated with this technique are the Phi Clinic in London, the MIR-MIR Clinical Center in Barcelona or the Laser Medical Institute in Madrid, centers of recognized prestige in the field of aesthetic surgery who always applaud innovations in which surgeons and patients gain safety. The surgeons at the aforementioned centers in London, Madrid and Barcelona consider that ARtery 3D can reproduce the patient’s facial arterial system very easily, since it is a very intuitive app. You get a more concrete picture of what a doctor will encounter when operating.